I did intend to keep a blog on my Visual Arts Research Project here in Samoa.
In the end it was such a short time frame to conduct the research that I scrapped the blog, so I thought I would show you what I found.
These wearable art pieces were created by boys in a school which includes the words "Welcome to the Jungle" on their school sign. The boy below did an impromptu Siva dance to display his wearable art for me.
The boys also carve blocks, this was used to print the uniforms of the teachers for the Independence Day march.
Visual Art is a male dominated subject and all the art teachers I met were male.
I found much evidence of sustainable art making such as this coconut caterpillar.
A Bamboo and Coconut boat.
Stencils cut from hospital x-rays
Mosaics made from louvres painted with house paint on one side, broken or cut into shapes and glued with PVA onto a wooden board.
The student work was impressive and the teachers were generous with their time.