Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Aqua Plain

The Cane Fields are Flooding.

The beach is eroding.

The She-oaks roots are exposed.

The little fellas' hair has been tamed by a blue-haired lady in a funky jump-suit.

The limitations of wet weather were overcome when Grandpa's old toolbox was discovered.

The magical contents of Grandpa's toolbox have been put on display inside the house, a new toolbox dedicated to Grandpa and all the making men in the family.

The flood waters closed all roads to school, prompting an excursion to a big kids place of learning.  Where the locals were  friendly and inquisitive.

Thank goodness for paper, scissors, elastic and staples - real life savers over another wet weekend.

The roads cleared and the wind has blown the rain away for now, but what of the cyclone off the coast?


  1. Hi Julie - don't know why but I thought you were no longer blogging now you are back from Samoa. These pics are great, put a smile on my face as we are on a watch and act alert for a big Bushfire on the hill next to us!!! Please send some of that surplus water down this way please. Mel x

    1. Hi Mel, I am home for 6 months and decided to keep the DSG up to date with what is happening for us, while he works in Samoa. You are welcome to the rain, stay safe, bushfires are frightening.

  2. Great pictures especially the blue hair lady. I have a question. I live in New York so I do not know too much about kangaroos. In the wild do they come up to you and can you touch them??

    1. Hi Lisa, these kangaroos are wild, but contently living on the grounds of the local University, they are used to people and know that they are on to a good thing. The boys' school is in a rural area and we see them roaming wild in people's properties every day, they don't mind people, but tend to keep their distance.

  3. Not quite how a Brit imagines Australia! You'd feel right at home in Wales right now ;)

  4. Rain Rain go away! Bet you thought you had avoided the monsoons by fleeing the tropics in favor of the sub tropical climes. Fingers crossed the newly formed cyclone Sarah heads east.

  5. Noice photos Mrs! The tools are a cracker too! Which Grandpa's were they?
    As for the rain.....Sigh!

  6. The tools belong to the DSG's dad, the making men.
