Sunday, September 23, 2012

Furnished with Love

The 17th Wedding Anniversary has the modern theme of Furniture as a gift.  Living overseas furniture is not a priority, but I did manage to meet a master carver named Moses and he created this for us.

We planned to escape to Savaii, but it was not to be, so we headed over the mountain, into the mist and over to the South Side of Upolu.

The mountains of Upolu are high, cool and wet and mould grows on the power lines.

On the South Side of the island we stayed at BRoss' place at Salamumu.  

Where the lava met the sea and hardened into licorice coloured patterns of swirls and squares.  The lava rock provides treasure above and below the ocean.

Just off the rocks is a paradise of coral and brightly coloured fish.

 Baked on the rocks are the shed exoskeleton of crabs.

Out of the lava rock, grows a butterfly attracting tree.

BRoss has a few new additions to the family, Salt, the kitten was born the last time we visited and his beautiful girl came about a month later.

We both agreed this was a good Anniversary, we may not remember which one it was, but we will remember the beautiful snorkelling and good company.

1 comment:

  1. Moses has done you proud! Fifteen was crystal so I didn't bother with anything.
    Furniture sounds more fun.
    What a memorable anniversary! Lava, butterflies and your boys! X
