Monday, March 5, 2012

Bumpy skin

"My skin feels bumpy", "I'm ITCHY", "My Eye Hurts"!

These words leave me cold.  Over the last couple of months Smiley has woken with an array of washing blues inducing bumps, lumps and rashes.

The local doctors diagnose Scabies, even if the entire family aren't itching in the night, alternatively the diagnosis will be flea bites!

"Oh no not again", yep sorry cuddle toys you're going for another joy ride in Smeg.

Nibbles can hardly bear another day of harsh sunlight.

The indignity of it all Dee Dee.

Even Bunnies' cuddle toy are doused in pine O clean and baked in the sun.  Hospital Care Bear is probably accustomed to this treatment.

  Is there light at the end of the tunnel?  Will Smeg keep up with the pace? What if the water pump fails again?

Could Timu and Ave' be the culprits?

Lucky they're cute!


  1. Och, baby! Are they bites or allergies? Either way he is so brave to still smile, poor kid! How would Timu and Ave' feel about the clothes line treatment?

  2. That is a stye on his eye which may or may have not been related to the scabies, which I believe was really hand, foot and mouth. He has had so many bouts that I started to believe he was putting it all on, one day at Judo I told his Sensei that they need to be tougher on him, the next day all the skin on his feet peeled off! Tough love here.
